Revenue Share
60 % of the ad revenue generated from Crypton Deploys, CryptonBuyBot, TonTrending, CryptoniteScanner and Wallet tracker as well as trading fees generated from the CryptonSuperBot will be shared directly with the holders in TON.
These 60% are divided into 3 tiers:
EMERALD TIER = 20% Holders with 2% of supply and above (20'000+ $CRYPTON)
DIAMOND TIER - 20% Holders with 1 to 1.99% of supply (10'000 to 19'999 $CRYPTON)
GOLD TIER - 20% Holders with 0.1% to 0.99% of supply (1'000 to 9'999 $CRYPTON)
All wallets from each tier split their tier's share equally. As there are fewer wallets in higher tiers, the share for each will be greater.
Revenue share is happening once per month, though eventually as we reach higher revenue it will be happening once per week.
Total generated revenue is $100'000. Emerald Tier has 10 wallets, Diamond Tier has 20 wallets and Gold Tier has 50 wallets.
Each wallet in Emerald Tier receives $100'000 * 20% / 10 wallets = $2'000
Each wallet in Diamond Tier receives $100'000 * 20% / 20 wallets = $1'000
Each wallet in Gold Tier receives $100'000 * 20% / 50 wallets = $400
Last updated