How to Trade Gaspump Tokens

  1. Open Gaspump App:

    • Start by opening the Gaspump app in Telegram.

Open GasPump
  1. Find and Select Token:

  • Locate the token you wish to purchase and click on it.

Choose a Token
  1. Get Contract Address:

  • Navigate to the "About" page for the selected token. Here, you will find the contract address. Copy this address.

Copy CA
  1. Paste in Crypton Super Bot:

  • Paste the copied contract address into Crypton Super Bot. Trading Gaspump tokens follows the same process as trading normal tokens.

Paste the CA
  1. View Gaspump Holdings:

  • To check your Gaspump holdings, go to the Main Menu and click on "GasPump Tokens". Select the desired wallet, and the bot will load your Gaspump positions for that wallet.

Click GasPump Tokens
Select wallet

Last updated