Selling Your Position

To sell your position, follow these steps:

  1. Switch Mode:

    • Use the "Buy ↔️ Sell" button to toggle between buy and sell modes.

  2. Select Sell Options:

    • In sell mode, you’ll have several options:

      • Sell 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% of your current holdings.

      • Choose a button at the bottom row to enter a custom amount of TON, tokens, or percentage you want to sell.

      • Remember, all selected wallets will perform the sell transaction!

  3. Transaction Confirmation:

    • After pressing one of the buttons, the bot will inform you about the successful transaction submission.

    • Once the transaction is confirmed on the blockchain, the bot will send you a notification. You can confirm the transaction by following the link provided under the "swapped" word.

Last updated